Funny and thought provoking, something between campy and campfire...
My brother used to tell super creepy "campfire tales" crammed with suspense, icky details and ghosts. Roosters is one such tale. A haunted young man is saddled with a family legacy and secrets. A pair of teen cousins visit dear old granny and embark on a country adventure with all its unsupervised charm, dogs and catfish. A sister falls for the haunted young man. A secret club of powerful and merciless men celebrates untoward festivities on a summer new moon, apparently a tradition since the nation's founding.According to Molly Hall, internet astrology expert, the new moon has astrological meaning as a charged time of magic and a "symbolic portal of new beginnings", ideal for rituals.
The daily rituals in Roosters--the young woman's pre-date oblations, the trespassing boys saying and doing the forbidden, state dinners, the opera--converge to upend the club's vile control. Or was it all part of the ghastly Head Cock's plan, all along?
Happy Valentine's Day!