The Sea Spicer

The Sea Spicer
Yours truly

Sunday, November 23, 2014

My Dog's Vacation

This is a picture of my dog's vacation.  I cannot be sure where this is because of all of our vacations, the dog and I share the same scene. I believe this was at Plimouth Plantation; I sent the kids to visit the living museum, and the dog and I climbed quite a hill overlooking the parking lot.  I could see a sea of cars and in the distance, even the sea.  After a bit my dog wanted to get back in the car for a nap, and I listened to a book on tape with her.     Now that I remember it, as children my brother and I visited Plimouth Plantation, and my parents stayed in the parking lot...a hot day for pilgrim cabins, and they spared themselves the entrance fee?  I obviously had fond memories.  We do it all to offer our kids the world on a plate, right?  I would share more pics of family vacations, but they all look like this picnic table.

My dog is very smart, even though she skips the museums.    She loves family vacations.  She especially loves rest stops; she thinks the stretch of grass at Wendy's is the point of the whole trip.  On a road trip, she will not eat or drink anything all day, I suppose to avoid carsickness, until we reach a hotel room; then she understands we are  done driving for the day.  Maybe poodles are so smart because they are descendants of an ancient advanced civilization of extraterrestrial aliens.  Don't you think she looks like an ALIEN, all eyes and brain? She certainly tries to communicate with me telepathically.

She can disguise herself as a dandelion.
She can make me think I see her everywhere.

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