http://d.lib.rochester.edu/camelot/image/garrett-sir-bedivere-throws-excalibur-into-the-mere |
Most enthralled I've been at a movie since LOTR! Also highly satisfying are the whiffs of Robin Hood (Errol Flynn--and best--version), Star Wars Revenge of the Sith, Beowulf, Shakespeare's weird sisters, Little Mermaid,--even Harry Potter fans will be enamored. I suspect this will be a sleeper classic notwithstanding the poor reviews so far based largely on disappointment with soccer star David Beckham's performance, which to my surprise was a minor role and did not negatively impact my viewing experience in the least. Not sure where some confusingly anachronistic explosions came from, nevertheless some profound throw away lines even to the very end left us to contemplate good and evil and the nature of the Enemy. This is my favorite Camelot movie made to date.
If you enjoy this film, it's time to read The Good Queen's Daughter (for original imaginings of a daughter of Merlin and The Lady of the Lake) http://amzn.to/2qcTDxL
For more of the spiritual mysticism and mage inspired by the Arthurian legends and Celtic oeuvre I encourage you to read the Susan Cooper series of The Dark is Rising novels, including Under Sea, Under Stone http://amzn.to/2qcHjgL
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